Friday, 31 August 2018

Some Things Aren’t Complicated

One of the #MeToo movement’s lasting effects has been to highlight the strategies routinely used to delegitimize accusers. We know now that people—mostly men—accused of sexual misconduct will typically take several steps: They’ll clamor for “due process” that they privately try to game, usually with secret help from powerful friends. They’ll cry mob rule or “trial by media” when accusers finally come forward (particularly if they find support) after having been held silent. Or they’ll insist they simply didn’t understand what they were doing—or that they had any power at all. How could they? Perhaps they’re the real victims, being unfairly persecuted. Or perhaps, after noting that sex is complicated (and so are people!), they’ll ascribe malice or gold-digging or some other unsavory and reductive motive to the complainant.

from Slate Articles

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