Friday, 31 August 2018

Singer K'naan needs you to vote on his behalf in the U.S. midterm elections


You likely know K'naan Warsame for his FIFA World Cup anthem "Waving Flag" and his role on The Hamilton Mixtape track, "Immigrants (We Get The Job Done.)" Now, he's asking American citizens to vote on his behalf in the upcoming elections.

Though the Canadian-Somali singer and poet lives and works in New York, he's a Canadian citizen and his family still resides in Toronto, which means he's facing challenges as a result of the Trump administration's travel ban.

So he released a powerful video plea in partnership with The Love Vote, a nonprofit organization that aims to give the 50 million people like K'naan — who are unable to vote in the U.S. due to circumstances like age, citizenship status, or disenfranchisement — a space for their voices to be heard. Read more...

More about Politics, Social Good, Voting, Immigration, and The Love Vote

from Mashable

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