Monday, 2 November 2020

Voting for Biden or Trump? Either way, you're not on the right side of history.

Voting for Biden or Trump? Either way, you're not on the right side of history.

We have reached a moment in American history when everything seems to be at stake in a single presidential election: equal rights, democracy, the country's future. 

Joe Biden and Donald Trump voters alike believe that it'll spell doom if their opponent wins. Putting aside for a moment the legitimacy of those fears, consider the voter who casts their ballot believing they're on the right side of history. 

This phrase provides comfort at times of deep uncertainty. It's how people feel more confident in their convictions: They believe that when the history of this chapter is written, their views will be vindicated, even if they were controversial or disputed at the time. After all, no one wants to be on the wrong side of history.  Read more...

More about Joe Biden, Donald Trump, 2020 Election, Social Good, and Politics

from Mashable

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